Do Charlie and Claire get together in Lost?
Charlie Pace and Claire Littleton from Lost eventually got together in the afterlife as their relationship was more ambiguous to understand in real life.
Lost is one of the hit sci-fi thrilling series of the mid-2000s as it first premiered in 2004. In the six-season series which ended in 2010, we watched the unfolding drama of plane survivors who needed to work together in order to get off the island.
One of the most contentious relationships from the series was that of the pregnant plane survivor, Claire Littleton and possessive drug addict, Charlie Pace.
The two had a brief “romance” in the real world and only in the flash-sideways did they finally end up together.
Who took Claire and Charlie in Lost?
In the events that happened after the crash, Claire and Charlie had one of the most ambiguous relationships on Lost.
The first indication of this was the kidnapping that they experienced earlier on when Charlie was attempting to build a relationship with Claire.
This is as the two were kidnapped by Ethan Rom. While Charlie was rescued, Claire remained in his captivity for two more weeks, only to return with amnesia.
As such, Charlie had to regain her trust by trying to get Claire to remember him and the connection that they shared.
Do Charlie and Claire get together in Lost?
In the real world, Charlie Pace and Claire Littleton do not end up together. There are a number of reasons for this, with the biggest being that Charlie sacrificed himself in order to guide the rest of the plane survivors to safety.
But in the flash-sideways, Charlie did eventually end up with Claire. The flash-sideways in Lost were a clever plot technique that allowed for the show’s ambiguity regarding whether the events that are created for characters after their physical death are real or not.
As such, in Charlie’s flash-sideway, he did end up with Claire and together they co-parented Claire’s baby, Aaron. But in Claire’s flash-sideways, her biggest dream before her death was to be reunited with Aaron after she got him off the island.
Therefore, at the end of her flash-sideways, Claire was able to get off the island and raise her son and she was also able to reunite with her friends. But Claire’s flash-sideways leaves room for interpretation with regard to her relationship with Charlie.
Due to this fact, there is always ambiguity about Claire’s feelings for Charlie. But for Charlie, it was clear that he believed that Claire was his soulmate as he was willing to sacrifice himself when he realised that he did not stand a chance with Claire because of the drug addiction and jealousy.
Were Charlie and Claire soulmates in Lost?
In over a decade since Lost concluded its natural run in 2010, one of the most contentious debates from the series is whether Charlie and Claire were soulmates.
It is apparent that Charlie believed that Claire was his soulmate. From the real world before his death, the connection he felt with Claire and the immediate fatherly relationship he established with Aaron made it clear.
Moreover, the fact that in his flash-sideways, he ended with Claire and Aaron affirmed this. But whether Claire believed the same or not is a hot take considering that her happily ever after was fashioned on her reunion with her son and friends.
When did Charlie and Claire last kiss in Lost?
Probably one of the most emotionally charged scenes in Lost was in season three, episode 21 titled “Greatest Hits.” The episode was touching as it marked the sacrificial death of Charlie Pace.
This is as he followed the prophecy given to him to help the plane crash survivors find a way off the island. But it was a suicide mission as Charlie would not be able to swim there and back safely.
As such, Charlie shared one last kiss with Claire, who at the time did not know that it would be the last time she would kiss him in the real world.
Why did Charlie leave Clair and Aaron in Lost?
Knowing that he would not return to the island after fulfilling the prophecy that would provide a way for Claire and Aaron to get off the island, after sharing the last kiss between himself and Claire that they would have in the real world, Charlie also left them with something that they could remember him by.
Charlie left Claire and Aaron his ring, which is revealed as a family heirloom which was passed down to Aaron, who Charlie already regarded as his son, despite Aaron not being his son biologically.