Florida Republicans Call For DeSantis to End Presidential Run and Focus On Being Governor

Republican Presidential debate 2023

Florida governor Ron DeSantis was asked to step down from his 2024 presidential campaign by voters in his state this week. This plea comes after criticism that the governor isn’t focusing on his role leading the Sunshine State.

A Popular Populist

The governor won reelection in November 2022 after leading a populist rebellion against pandemic restraints that affected many other states. DeSantis’ platform of standing up against Big Pharma and fighting the Florida schools made him a strong incumbent.

However, members of the grassroots political group Florida Republican Assembly argued this week that DeSantis should return to his day job and finish off the four-year term for which he was elected. On their social media, the group proclaimed that DeSantis had placed his voters in a secondary position, arguing his campaign had distracted him from his real job.

No Significant Gains

DeSantis had previously received support for his White House bid, but this past weekend, concern was growing that he hadn’t gained any significant polling since he entered the Republican race last May.

Until his later-than-expected announcement, DeSantis was seen by many as a likely successor for President Trump, leading the Republicans into the 2024 election with a united base. Following 2022’s less-than-satisfactory election results in both the House and Senate, many thought DeSantis could mend the damage caused by Trump’s continued presence.

A Flawed Public Persona

However, things haven’t gone as planned, with DeSantis’ campaign hitting several roadblocks, namely, his inability to show charisma in public, a lack of campaign funding on the eve of the primaries, and the curious revelation he is wearing platform boots to boost his height in public.

“Governor DeSantis’ Presidential campaign has caused a distraction in the mechanism of government within Florida and the interests of Florida,” the Florida Assembly’s website statement said. “Residents have been placed secondary to those of his presidential campaign.”

Trump Flying High

They also declared that his effort to win the nomination “has been met with a lack of enthusiasm by voters nationally and has not gained any significant momentum.” The Assembly demanded that he end his campaign and continue to “serve out the remainder of his term.”

DeSantis sits at a 16% approval rating alongside fellow candidate Nikki Haley, though the former president is soaring 30 percentage points above either rival. Despite Trump’s ongoing four indictments totaling 91 felony charges, DeSantis has failed to make any impact on his erstwhile ally.

All Bets on January

It isn’t the first time the Florida governor has faced a backlash on the home front. Before his presidential bid was announced, DeSantis faced criticism for attending a book tour event while his state experienced costly flooding; unsurprisingly, his critics used this moment against him.

The DeSantis campaign team reportedly feels it is too early for him to leave the race, hoping that a strong performance in January’s first-in-the-nation Iowa Republican presidential primary caucuses will kickstart his flagging momentum.

Source: Newsweek.

Author: Ben Rice

Title: Trending Topics, News, Features.

Expertise: Lifestyle, Travel, Music, Film.


Raised in England and with a career background in international education, Ben now lives in Southern Spain with his wife and son, having lived on three continents, including Africa, Asia, and North America. He has worked diverse jobs ranging from traveling film projectionist to landscape gardener.

He offers a unique, well-traveled perspective on life, with several specialties related to his travels. Ben loves writing about food, music, parenting, education, culture, and film, among many other topics. His passion is Gen-X geekery, namely movies, music, and television.

He has spent the last few years building his writing portfolio, starting as a short fiction author for a Hong Kong publisher, then moving into freelance articles and features, with bylines for various online publications, such as Wealth of Geeks, Fansided, and Detour Magazine.