Why You Should Have an Emergency Fund That You Don’t Invest
Spend a few minutes reading about personal finance, and you're bound to understand the importance of keeping an emergency fund. It can literally be the difference between life and death, or at least life and debt.
Read further and discover a hotly-contested debate: should you invest your emergency fund or keep it safely stored in a savings account?
The answer is simple, and in this article, I'll explain why you should never invest your emergency fund.
Why You Should Never Invest Your Emergency Fund
To understand why you should never invest your emergency fund, you first need to understand the purpose of that money.
Your emergency fund is for emergencies. It's there when you need quick cash. And it's there without any tax implications when you spend it.
None of that is possible if your emergency fund is invested in the stock market.
While you can sell stock, you're incurring income tax when you do it. And you no longer own those assets either, a double whammy.
If there's one situation you don't want to get into, it's this: you never want to inflate your tax bill just to pay for an unexpected expense. That's a one-way street to debt or at least financial stress.
Let's explain why investing your rainy day fund is never good.
Financial Safety Net
An emergency fund serves as your financial safety net. It's a stash of cash that you can access during unexpected crises. Life is unpredictable, and incidental expenses can arise anytime – a sudden medical bill, a car breakdown, or a home repair.
An emergency fund ensures you are prepared to face such situations without resorting to high-interest loans or credit cards, which can lead to long-term debt and financial stress.
Immediate Accessibility
One of the key benefits of an emergency fund is that it's readily accessible. Unlike investments, which may require you to sell assets or navigate market volatility, your emergency fund is as simple as withdrawing cash from a savings account or liquidating a portion. This immediate accessibility can be a lifesaver when you need funds urgently during times of crisis.
No Risk Involved
Investments inherently carry some level of risk. The value of investments can fluctuate with market conditions, and there's no guarantee that you will continually earn a positive return. In contrast, an emergency fund involves no risk. The money you set aside remains safe and accessible whenever you need it.
By not investing your emergency fund, you shield it from market volatility and ensure its value remains stable.
Peace of Mind
Having an emergency fund that you don't invest provides peace of mind. Knowing you have a financial cushion for unexpected expenses can alleviate stress and anxiety. It allows you to focus on your daily life without worrying about what might happen in an emergency.
This peace of mind is priceless and can positively impact your overall well-being.
Liquidity is the ability to access cash quickly without significant penalties or losses. An emergency fund, when not invested, is the epitome of liquidity. When you need funds urgently, you don't have to wait for the right market conditions or worry about potential penalties for early withdrawals.
This liquidity ensures that you can address unforeseen circumstances without any delay.
Opportunity to Cover Immediate Needs
Emergencies often require immediate financial attention. Whether it's a medical procedure, a home repair, or any other urgent situation, you need funds immediately. By not investing your emergency fund, you ensure that you have the means to cover immediate needs, avoiding delays that could exacerbate the situation.
Avoiding Debt
One of the primary reasons for having an emergency fund that you don't invest is to avoid falling into debt traps. When unexpected expenses arise, individuals who lack an emergency fund may resort to high-interest loans, credit cards, or borrowing from friends and family. These options can lead to long-term financial stress as high-interest debt accumulates rapidly. An emergency fund provides a buffer that helps you avoid accumulating debt during challenging times.
Flexibility and Control
By not investing your emergency fund, you maintain a high level of control and flexibility over your financial resources. You can decide when and how to use the funds and won't be subject to the constraints or restrictions imposed by investments.
This control allows you to adapt to your specific needs during emergencies and make financial decisions on your terms.
Freedom to Choose Investment Vehicles Separately
While an emergency fund is essential, it doesn't mean you should avoid investments altogether. It's recommended to have separate investment accounts for your long-term financial goals. By keeping your emergency fund separate and not investing it, you can focus on selecting investment vehicles that align with your goals and risk tolerance rather than feeling pressured to support your safety net.
Inflation Protection
One common concern about keeping a significant portion of your money in a savings account is the impact of inflation. The purchasing power of your savings can erode over time due to inflation. However, when considering your emergency fund, the primary purpose is to provide immediate financial security during unexpected crises, not to generate wealth over the long term.
While the value of your emergency fund may not outpace inflation, it still serves its crucial purpose when you need it most.
A Lesson in Financial Discipline
Maintaining an emergency fund that you don't invest is also a valuable lesson in financial discipline. It encourages you to save for unforeseen circumstances and reinforces the importance of financial responsibility. As you consistently contribute to your emergency fund, you become more adept at managing your finances and prioritizing savings.
In conclusion, having an emergency fund you don't invest in is a fundamental component of sound financial planning.
It provides a financial safety net, immediate accessibility, and peace of mind while shielding your savings from investment risks. It offers liquidity, the ability to cover immediate needs, and the means to avoid debt during emergencies. Maintaining control and flexibility over your financial resources and the freedom to choose investment vehicles separately are additional benefits.
What Should You Do With Your Emergency Fund?
Now that we've established why you shouldn't invest your rainy day fund, where should you put it?
The best place to stash your emergency fund is in a good old-fashioned savings account. HYSA, or High-Yield Savings Accounts, offer the best of both worlds. Your money is safe from the market's ups and downs, and monthly interest will help you earn a little bit along the way.
I like Ally, but there are scores of online savings account options to explore.
Don't have an emergency fund yet? Here's a simple 5-step process to build your first e-fund.